"Successful innovation is not about the ideas or inventions; it is about the people"
One of the key ways that publicly funded research can have a productive impact is through their translation into useable products, processes and services. Successful innovation is not about the ideas or inventions; it is about the people. Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity and not a threat. As noted by Edward Deming , “Innovation comes from the producer – not from the customer”. Hence, at UTHM the innovation culture is primarily centered around the development of our people who are entrusted with the opportunity for innovation.
The university seeks to provide this opportunity through concerted efforts, such as the setting up of incubators, collaborative networks and a knowledge sharing culture that is underlined by a respect for intellectual property. At UTHM, colloquiums are quickly becoming a regular feature within the calendar of each faculty and centre. Currently at UTHM, ICC handles the task of precommercialization, which involves upscaling and the utilisation of the concept of incubators. The different modes of commercialisation that are currently available to commercialise UTHM products are through Licensing, Direct Sales, Equity Ownership and Contract Research.
For more inquiry, please contact :-
Innovation and Commercialisation Centre (ICC) Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) 86400 Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia. Tel: +607-453 8315 | 8314 | 8700 | 8701 | 8702 Email: iccuthm@gmail.com Website: https://icc.uthm.edu.my