University-Industries Relations
Networking and Collaboration
Networking and collaboration with industry in the support of research, teaching and public service reflect the origin of the establishment of the University.
Research & Innovation & Commercialisation
Funding of research through research , development, innovation, and commercialization.
Academic Programme
Industry participation in development of a new curriculum or the revision of an existing curriculum.
Consultation & Testing
Faculty consulting and use of specialized university facilities.
Industrial Training
Student internships and recruitment.
Human Capital Development
Professional development, continuing education and training.
Corporate Service Responsibility
Intergrated Corporate Service Responsibility
Memorandum of Agreement/Understanding (MoA/MoU)
Cooperative relationship to work together.
Career Opportunity and Entrepreneurship

Collaboration (MoA/MoU)
UTHM and various industries and agencies have benefitted from the results of their strategic alliances and cooperation. The collaboration covered various areas such as mobility programme, staff and student exchange, joint researches, commercialization and technological transfers.
Industry Partnership
- Helping to build networks and relationships between industry and UTHM.
- Enhancing and strengthening cooperation between industry and UTHM either through academic collaborations, research and development.
- Assisting to promote academia-industry program either through industrial attachment, consultancy and advisory services to the curriculum development.

Contact Info
Industry Community Relations Centre (ICRC)
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia